Ethan Hasch Recruits Felly for a Solemn, Yet Groovy Record

By: Trevor Siebold IG/Twitter: @barelytrev

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When it comes to the individual music of both Ethan Hasch and Felly, you quite literally never know what to expect stylistically. Combine those two on a track and what do you get? In this case, a beautifully life-giving ballad with draws of indie rock, country, and mountain acoustic vibes.

I want this song blasted while I’m hiking in Colorado with my best friends and finally reached the peak. It’s got this carefree, loosely hopeful sound to it that makes me feel youthful in a sense. Ethan is a genius when it comes to conveying heavy emotion in the most simplistic of senses, and he totally accomplished that with this one. Not to mention Felly delivering a verse over a funky bass line that’s sure to have you smiling. Check this one out ASAP if you haven’t!

Lyrics That Stick:

“GPS does it’s best

But I know

How to get home

All on my own”

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