Kid Travis Has Us Feeling Like We’re ‘7teen’ Again In His Latest

By: Trevor Siebold IG/Twitter: @barelytrev

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Vocally, Kid Travis has been straight running the RnB game for a while now. His fullness of breathe and life-giving melodies simply cannot miss on a track. His latest, ‘7teen’ is definitely no exception, delivering an intensified blur of passion and nostalgia.

I love how this song takes so many turns production-wise and stylistically. From groovy bass lines to funky guitar plucking and uptempo percussion, there’s so many spots that simply make you want to get up and dance. All of that then with Kid Travis’ soothing voice over top? It’s wraps. Check it out!

Lyrics That Stick:

“We could stay up all night

Do whatever you’d like to do”

If you like this single, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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