Adrian Stresow - Revenge

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


Before the release of ‘Revenge’, Stresow took to social media to talk about why he makes music, admitting that he lost the fun of it for a little bit last year, and now he’s back making the music that he wants to make. I’ve liked all of his music, but recently it’s gotten even better, and now I know why.

On ‘Revenge’, he talks about some of the same things. He talks about the stresses that come to him from music, reasons he has to quit, but says that he’ll quit when he’s said what he has to say. He raps through the majority of the song, with little to no hook, but the song doesn’t really need it. Stresow hasn’t quite peaked, but is the best that we’ve seen him so far, and I’m excited for what’s in store for him.

Lyrics That Stick:

“I think I’m done being quiet

It’s the time I need revenge”


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