Noak Hellsing Spreads His Wings On His Debut EP “YESTERYEAR”
By: Chris Buxton IG: @chrisbuxtonllg

At only 20-years-old, emerging Swedish singer-songwriter, Noak Hellsing, has continued to show his versatility and maturity as an artist. With every song and note, he invites us closer and closer into one of the brightest minds of our generation. It’s hard to not see and feel his overall appeal. Beginning his journey in 2019 with his standout single “Lost”, the burgeoning star has evolved into the darling of the Scandinavian pop scene. He is captivating, emotional, and he is relatable. Spending most of your latter teen years in a cutthroat industry may break most, but Noak has found a way to keep his head. Now, with a growing buzz behind his career, he enters our pages with his debut EP “YESTERYEAR”.
“YESTERYEAR” is an innovative project that is carried by an expansive soundscape & a refreshing theme. Hellsing’s songwriting and vocal ability is well beyond his years, and the production on the EP builds from song to song. After years of releasing singles, Noak finally finds his voice on “YESTERYEAR”.
From a song standpoint, it is hard to pick favorites. Each song has a special place in my heart. What really stood out to me were the warm sonics, song arrangements, and the freedom I felt from each song. Although it’s getting colder, this project makes me want to let loose and dance around my house with optimism. As a late 20-something, I feel like I’m getting older and losing my ability to connect with young generations. However, this project brings that angst and youthfulness back to my life. When I listened to “When The Shadows Go Home”, I felt a rush that I haven’t felt in a long time. Laced with lush melodies, warm sonics, and an ear-worm hook, the song has become the soundtrack to my life. Although there may be some that disagree, I believe this is the best project of the year. In 6-songs, I became fully enamored and impressed by one of the most polarizing artists in the industry. I had yet to listen to a full project in one sitting until I heard this. So, if you are looking for the next big thing, look no further. Noak Hellsing has landed!