Justin Stone - Not Really Famous (Album Review)

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves

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One of the hardest working artists that I follow, Justin Stone is back with another album just 6 months after his last. 18 tracks deep, he continues to fight the norm and prove that music can be done any way as long as there is passion and work behind it. And that is the topic behind a good amount of the album.

Stone comes from a very vulnerable place with this album, every song telling a different story. On the opening track that gives the album it's title, he opens up about his struggles with depression as well as self-consciousness about where he’s at with his career. He remarks through the album about how happy he is to be where he’s at, but feels hungry and deserving for more. After following him for the past couple years, seeing him live in concert a few months ago, and now listening to the album, I would have to agree.

Lyrics That Stick:

“I talk to myself, I must be crazy

I lose my temper, lies, what does that make me?”


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