Trevor Daniel - Nicotine (Album Review)

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 The only downside with having a song blow up and get worldwide recognition on the level that Trevor Daniel did with 'Falling', is that the expectations for whatever comes next are as high as they can get.  But for the still growing artist who saw his life change due in part to social media platform TikTok, the expectations are a good thing if you deliver.  And deliver he did.

     'Nicotine' is a ten track album featuring as many styles and feelings as tracks.  Every song brings a new experience, which is why it's so easy to listen to the album front to back on repeat.  The standout song (besides the obvious) for me is 'OMG', an upbeat song about how stunning a girl is.  It brings energy and shows Daniel having fun in his element, which I loved to see.  His voice rings over the whole album as the constant that is also the highlight.  I would be very surprised if Daniel doesn't continue to grow at a monumental pace.

Lyrics That Stick:

"Last night was the last time

I never let you figure me out"


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