Embers of Silence Bear It All On Latest Album, “It’s A Beautiful Thing”
By: Chris Buxton IG: @chrisbuxtonllg

Have you ever listened to an artist or duo that caught your attention on the first listen? If so, what made them standout? Was it their cadence? Overall delivery? Songwriting? This week, I came across a rising artist that made me fall in love with music all over again. That artist is Embers of Silence.
Hailing from Ohio, Embers of Silence is the musical project of Samuel Austin. Austin is a multi-talented artist, songwriter, and producer that has found a way to captivate listeners with a sound he builds from the ground up. His songs are raw, daring, and they evoke real emotions out of his listeners. Now, he debuts on our pages with his new album, “It’s A Beautiful Thing”.
“A Beautiful Thing” is an introspective masterpiece that dives into themes of self-reflection, finding your purpose, and navigating life in a capitalistic society. Life is hard, and this project explores how we can still find happiness. I recently lost my girlfriend to cancer, so this project has gotten me through a rough time. I had a set plan in life, and this situation has derailed it. Now, I’m left to pick up the pieces and go down a new path. This project gives me hope that I will find myself.
Sonically, I loved the lo-fi bedroom sound. This 10-track album was written, recorded, produced, and mastered by Austin from his home studio called “The Void”. That alone should tell you how talented he is. This project is 100%, and I believe that contributes to how personal it is. As far as songs go, my favorites were “Not Meant To Suffer”, “Never Admit It”, & “Under Waves”. I felt like I really connected with those records. Overall, this is a must-hear album so stream it below!