By: Chris Buxton IG: @chrisbuxtonllg

DOGDAD is the MUST HEAR artist of the year.
Hailing from the heart of Austin, Texas, emerging solo project, DOGDAD, has been captivating listeners with an innovative sound that begs to be heard. DOGDAD’s sound is daring, versatile, and there’s an electric feel that provides a rush of adrenaline. With a genre-bending sound, he uses elements of Post-Punk, Post-Hardcore, & Emo to create a memorable soundscape. It’s rare for me to be fully invested in an artist after the first listen, but DOGDAD is unexplainably different from every artist coming out. That’s why he enters our pages with his debut album “SWAN DIVE PITY PARTY”.
“SWAN DIVE PITY PARTY” is the perfect introduction to the rising star. DOGDAD puts his versatility on full display, and he takes listeners on a sonic journey that tackles themes of depression, alcoholism, and the impact of personal relationships. Vocally and lyrically, DOGDAD was exceptional. He pours his heart out on every record, and he doesn’t hold. From song to song, it feels as if he is pulling off another layer into his world. As a listener, his introspection and self-reflection allow you to connect with him in ways that seem familiar. Bearing it all, “SWAN DIVE PITY PARTY” feels like the start of something magical for the rising artist. It’s authentic, reflective, and it shows the artist’s maturity.
My favorite songs from the album were “Hospice”, “Ouroboros”, & “Hands on a Hardbody”. Each of these records left a lasting impact on me. While listening, I felt seen and heard as a human. I have dealt with some of the themes tackled, and it felt good to not be alone. This album was therapy for me. It was the breath of fresh air the music industry needs.