INTERVIEW with Dava - Papercut

By: Phil Deutsch, IG: @pbdeutsch

This isn’t the first time we’ve covered up-and-coming Los Angeles-based pop artist Dava, but each time the singer/songwriter returns with another single release she shows us another aspect of her emotionality and thought process. Her latest track, the stunningly dark, Kyle Buckley and max & kyle-produced “Papercut” and its respective music video clue us in to how Dava deals with pain.

The most important lessons I learned were in strength, forgiveness and empathy.
— Dava

“Papercut” marks the emerging talent’s fifth consecutive single release since her 2019 debut, and it comes off the heels of the fast-growing, high-streaming “Right Time.”

With her catalogue starting to piece together and attention starting to focus on the bright young rising star, Dava’s brand image is starting to coalesce as she consistently puts out a quality package of sonic and visual impressions on each release.

I just wanted to put out an honest body of work about one of the highest and lowest years of my life
— Dava

It’s easy to capitalize on everyone’s mental state in 2020 and put out a happy record in hopes of combatting the sadness, but Dava turned inward to bare her mentality for our listening pleasure. In an effort to best understand the captivating visuals and deep emotions that pervade this new visual release, we virtually interviewed the Disruptor signee to get to the heart of “Papercut.” Get her perspective on the track below:

1. Strong visual direction has been present across all your releases, when and how do visuals factor into your creative process on a song? 

 A lot of times as I'm chipping away at a song the world it wants to be in becomes more obvious. I love video creation process as much as I love making the music. 

2. Self-reliance is a key theme in a lot of your music, "Papercut" seems to imply that things aren't that bad when you take a step back. How do you want fans to feel throughout their experience listening to the record? Are there any lessons you hope to teach your listeners?

I hope my listeners can relate to it on some level. When I was creating the record I was still operating from a place of hurt, but the most important lessons I learned were in strength, forgiveness and empathy. 


3. Since "Tuesday," your singles have each shown different - yet equally elegant - takes on your smooth blend between R&B and Pop. Do you have plans for a more comprehensive body of work soon? 

I think this EP is a great look into the sounds that I love. I have plans for the next project but for now I just want to introduce myself until it's time for a full length album.


4. Whenever it comes, would your debut project have a unified theme or be more eclectic?

A unified theme would be the goal but if it's coming from me it will indefinitely feel a little eclectic.


5. Who are you listening to right now? Do you have any plans for collaboration with your contemporaries in the space? 

I love the new Dominic Fike album and I stay bumping "Swimming" - Mac Miller, rip. I love working with others but collaboration right now feels really sacred. I’m waiting for the right person and moment.


6. I'm sure you must have tons of songs to choose from when it comes to each release, what was it about "Papercut" that landed it a spot in the first 5?

I knew that a lot of the other songs felt really bright, and some light hearted but the last year of my life hasn't always felt that way. I just wanted to put out an honest body of work about one of the highest and lowest years of my life.


7. What do you do when you're not making music? Where do you draw your inspiration from?

 I love time spent alone, skating or going to the beach or even just driving around by myself. I'm inspired by my past and what I want to be in the future. 

8. What's Dava doing 5 years from now? 10?

Without a doubt still making music, maybe directing films? definitely thinking tall.

It’s a treat to be able to hear directly about a release from the artist’s perspective, and Dava’s answers definitely fall in line with the big dreams we’d expect from the pop hopeful. We here at Banger Of The Day want to thank Dava and the Disruptor team - we’re ready for big things from Dava soon.

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