Powfu, Sarcastic Sounds & Rxseboy - ill come back to you

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


Powfu is back with another single from his upcoming EP, ‘Poems of the Past’. With #storytelling put in his SoundCloud bio, he really has made that a key in his music. And the more he does, the better he gets at it.

In ‘ill come back to you’, he tells the story of a long distance love that he holds onto all throughout his school years. Starting in 2012 and moving forward to his graduation which would’ve probably been in 2018, he talks about how loved a girl and then moved away from her, and knew that he would eventually go back once he had the chance. With the help from Rxseboy on the last verse and Sarcastic Sounds on the instrumental, the song really is A tier. If you had a love that didn’t work out for you, or even if you didn’t, go and reminisce with Powfu as you listen to this new track.

Lyrics That Stick:

“If you wait for me, then I’ll come back to you

On my own”


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