Francis Skyes Does Some Self Reflecting On New Single “Oversight”

There’s no one correct way to make a good song. We hear so much music every day, and when you dig into the stories behind the songs you’ll learn that they all have their own unique recipe. Some were born in rooms full of collaboration, some were born in the basement all alone, Some happy, some sad. In this case, it’s just a man and his guitar. The artist name is Francis Skyes, and his new single “Oversight” is a perfect testament to the phrase less is more.

In his new single, Francis Skyes Decides to keep it raw delivering all of his lyrics straight from the soul and unto the minimalistic guitar production. A lot can be said for an artist when they manage to win over new fans all while simply using their voice and one instrument. The openness of his new single “Oversight” leaves room for the listeners imagination. This one gives you a lot all while only using a few elements and for that reason it deserves your love so go stream “Oversight” by Francis Skyes now!


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