Julia Bhatt Delivers a Soul Bearing New EP To Go Along With Same Titled Single “Karma”

If there’s one thing I love, it’s finding new artists. The feeling of pressing play on a song you’ve never heard before, starting what could be a long journey growing with a brand new artist through their music, has always been a feeling I’ve enjoyed. Today, I’m happy to say I got to feel that again with Julia Bhatt’s new EP Karma.

The EP is opened by title song and lead single, “Karma”, and features a comfortable-in-her-own-skin sounding vocal performance from Julia Bhatt over some feel good guitar and indie pop production. This EP is the perfect stamp for Julia and her sound. By the end of the EP you feel like you know what she’s about, and she feels like a friend. Go show the singer songwriter some love and stream her new EP, Karma, now!


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