CARIOWW. - “Vibin N Trying”

By: Phil Deutsch, IG: @pbdeutsch

You definitely haven’t heard of CARIOWW. - and it really sucks how much you’ve been missing out on. The wavy, mysterious, encapsulating rapper absolutely tears down nicasso’s production on “Vibin N Trying.” This smooth, R&B-and-rap genre mash mixes the brutal emotions of each of its influences to create a beautiful whole.

I can’t wait to see CARIOWW. release more music and start piecing together his brand aesthetic. His tracks on SoundCloud have gotten more than you friendly neighborhood rapper has, but the sky is the limit for a talent like this. Here’s hoping that we hear a comprehensive body of work from the artist before the year is out.

Lyrics That Stick:

“You don’t know me like that

You think cuz you bad you can go ahead and play me

You’ve said this before you can go ahead and blame me

Never care about these niggas cuz you know they all faking”

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