Almost Barely Packs A Punch With His Latest Offering “IDK!”

By: Chris Buxton IG/Twitter: @chrisbuxtonllg

If you have been looking for a new guilty pleasure music wise, then look no further. Hailing from the Golden State, San Francisco-based singer/songwriter, Almost Barely, has had us hooked on his latest single “IDK!”. Although I’m fairly new to the rising artist’s sound, you can definitely see the influence he gets from artists like Dayglow & Wallows due to his bubbly bedroom pop sound that is very nostalgic.

On his new record, Almost Barely delivers an exceptional vocal performance, and he shines over the lush melodies, warm pop drums, and easy going sonics. Sonically, the beat progressions are smooth and the pacing of the song is perfect. In addition, he delivers a hook that will be stuck in your head well after the song is over. In his words, this is what Almost Barely had to say about the song: “This is a song that is really just a collection of recurring thoughts I had at the time of writing this song. I was in a place where I felt lost in several areas of my life and didn't know what to do, thus the title, "IDK!". Overall, I’m a huge fan of the relatable songwriting and I’m extremely excited to see Almost Barely continue to grow. With that being said, stream the song below and vibe out!


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