30 - Guitar Plucks & Bourbon (Album Review)

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves

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Following up a single like ‘last day of my life’ with an EP can be scary. Projects in general don’t get as much attention as singles in these days of shorter attention spans. So, to prove your consistency, a thorough, well put together project is essential. Luckily, that’s exactly what 30 has delivered with his new EP, ‘Guitar Pucks & Bourbon’.

Just as vulnerable as he was on the lead single, 30 spends all 5 tracks giving you a look into his life, both the good and the bad. No track feels like it was made for the mainstream appeal, but instead just to tell the story that 30 was looking to tell. My personal favorite is ‘letter’, a heartfelt song written to a girl of the past, and a perfect one at that. Laid over a guitar, it tells of a good relationship that ended too soon, and the regret that follows. With one of the most impressive projects I’ve heard in a while, 30 has proved his ability in this crazy musical industry, and left me anticipating more already.

Lyrics That Stick:

“We can sit and talk about the morning,

And how another one came today”


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