Midge Robie - “Kylie” (Official Video)

By: Phil Deutsch, IG: @pbdeutsch

A few months ago, Midge Robie burst onto the scene with their first single, “Hello Dolly,” and showed a lot of promise. Their third release, late August’s “Kylie” has already doubled their first track’s success. They dropped a self-directed music video for “Kylie” last week and it does a great job of framing the track. With frightfully on-the-nose commentary in their lyrics and a TikTok grade instrumental, this single is it.

The aesthetics, visual themes, and lyrical content on this release were clearly made with painstaking detail in mind. The LA lament is real on “Kylie,” and the video puts that on full display, as the duo take turns admonishing what frustrates each of them about LA and its denizens. Get familiar with Midge Robie before you’re late on the scene - three songs in is definitely bragging-rights worthy.

Lyrics That Stick:

“Can't tell you where her head is
But she'll show you right where that bread is
Got a new job but she'll probably quit that in a week
Got a cute ass, sell pics of her feet”

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