benny mayne & Jutes Block Out All Their Failures On Their New Hit “FROZEN”

By: Chris Buxton IG/Twitter: @chrisbuxtonllg

Have you ever felt like you needed space to grow? Or have you felt like you’re already on the path to success? Then I have a song that’s perfect for you. After taking time off during the winter (holiday season), benny mayne and Jutes have recently broken their own hiatuses to release their new hit “FROZEN”.

The single is led by ear-catching guitar riffs with hip-hop undertones. As we progress through the song benny mayne begins the record with his insane vibrato and lush melodies before letting Jutes enter the song with his exceptional delivery and songwriting skills. Overall, the song is tough and one of the catchiest singles I have heard this over. With that being said, stream the song above and vibe out!

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