Patrick Cc: Combines With UNOWAY On Their Latest Smash “Butterflies”

By: Chris Buxton IG/Twitter: @chrisbuxtonllg

If you are looking for a new single to be the soundtrack to your weekend, then look no further. Famous Youtuber/Music Reviewer, Patrick Cc:, combines with emerging singer UNOWAY on their latest smash “Butterflies”. The single is smooth sonically and UNUOWAY’s vocal cadence will have you in a complete trance. In addition, although his verses are exceptional lyrically, the chorus will have you absolutely hooked. This has to be on of our favorite releases as of recent and the visual is just as captivating.

In the visual, we see UNOWAY transition through many locations as he confesses his unconditional love for his significant other. The visual is bright and fun due to the transitions and enticing settings. In addition, the color grading was perfect and the vintage elements were also a plus. I really enjoyed this visual and I can tell that UNOWAY is on his way to becoming a household name!

If you like this song, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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