Angelo Mota - All Luv (Music Video)

By: Phil Deutsch, IG: @pbdeutsch

New Jersey native Angelo Mota has been making waves in the rap game since his 2016 debut album, House of Diamonds. Now he’s back for his sixth single release of the year. With production from Angelo and Tim Gunter setting a beautiful, classic Hip-Hop mood, this track does it all.

If you’re not hip to Angelo Mota, or part of his steadily growing fan-base, I’d recommend you get on the train before your friends are all showing you this new artist they just found. Angelo is far from unknown, with consistency in his catalog and no signs of slowing down, we’re excited to see what’s next from Mota.

Lyrics That Stick:

“In the upside-down it gets harder to see
Plenty strange things playing father to me
Any sane thing would have started to leave
Heart on my sleeve, overdressed for the heat”

If you like this single, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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