Tristan Wells - Amazing

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves

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Previous to the release, Tristan Wells was all over social media with snippets and teasers talking about how excited he was for this one. Now that it’s out, I can see why. Produced and written by Wells himself, it really is ‘amazing’.

For having been mainly done in his bedroom, the quality of the track is incredible. There are little details that I have noticed after listening to the track many times. One of my favorites of these details are the robotic effects behind a lot of the vocals throughout. Wells is taking the opportunity on this track simply to be grateful for his come up and the changes that he’s seen. With Call of Duty references and killer melodies, Tristan Wells is one that you need to watch.

Lyrics That Stick:

“It’s amazing, how everything could change, and

Every day, I wake up, it’s a blessing”


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