skele - the same things

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Set over a guitar and a simple kick / snare combo, skele's new single 'the same things' is an absolute banger.  His soaring vocals come from nowhere to open up the song, not holding back at all but setting the bar for the rest of the song.

     The mixing on the 'the same things' gives the song a level of depth different from a lot of songs.  It features tasteful deep vocals, different effects on background vocals that make them seem further away, and layers that bring the power when it's wanted.  None of that would matter, however, if skele's voice didn't show the emotion of the song and draw you in with every word.  Don't keep listen to what you already know, and go check out 'the same things'.

Lyrics That Stick:

"It's the same things

That keep me awake at night"


Reece - K.


Kayden - I Wonder Why