Saiah - (Black)Planet

By: Phil Deutsch, IG: @pbdeutsch


     Mysterious new artist Saiah hopped on the scene in 2019 with a smattering of EP’s, and has got a few single releases under his belt since. Back on “(BLACK)PLANET,” Saiah is here to tell us a message that we’ve been hearing for a while now. This song is a ballad dedicated to liberation, to transcending above the circumstances so many people of color are born into in this country.

     Even while tackling heavy themes, Saiah stays light and upbeat with his music. He contrasts the stark reality his lyrics portray with the joyous melodies we hear in his voice on this Squrl-produced vibe-inducing bop. He creates a striking of a contradiction in the service of discord. Thankfully for us, Saiah is here to sow discord in the name of beauty.

Lyrics That Stick:

“I love myself so much

My skin makes cops go nuts

I love myself so much

My skin makes cops go nuts”

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