Octavio - Nineteen (Sad For No Reason)


Octavio is bringing a song that we’re feeling on a personal level being stuck indoors everyday! ‘Nineteen,’ is a laid back and just let it all soak in kind of melody as he goes on repeating how he’s ‘Sad For No Reason.’

The background behind why he’s feel that way involves a romance that has come and gone away, therefore having him in this funk. Honestly, it hurts when you trust someone with your heart and they end up breaking it into pieces. Though, Octavio brought us the type of single that you’re going to want to listen to no matter your relationship status or what you’re up to.

This is one of those, “I just need something to vibe to, to feel content.” Turn this one on ‘For No Reason,’ you’re guaranteed to relish in it!

Lyrics That Stick:

“I’ve been feeling sad for no reason

So I go and get high for the evening

You told me you would stay

Now you’re leaving.”


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