Ryan Oakes Impresses Yet Again With His Latest, ‘we’re not strangers’

By: Trevor Siebold IG/Twitter: @barelytrev

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What more can I say? Ryan Oakes released another song, and it’s fire as expected. ‘WE’RE NOT STRANGERS’ takes on this stripped-back, emotionally charged singer-songwriter vibe. It reminds me of some old Paramore or Green Day with the amount of sentiment and vocal intensity over such simple, melancholic chords.

I love how easy-going this composition feels, while Ryan’s attention-demanding voice graces over top. It’s just such a smooth, nostalgic track and I have a feeling it’s going to be on repeat for awhile. Check it out!

Lyrics That Stick:

“But I think I know you from before

Let’s fall in love again”

If you like this single, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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