Thomas Headon’s ‘Nobody Has To Know’ is Just as Dance-Worthy as it is Nostalgic

By: Trevor Siebold IG/Twitter: @barelytrev

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This is a special kind of record in my eyes. It’s the type of record that makes me want to fall in love. Not many songs can make me feel this way, but because of Thomas Headon’s intimate storytelling and emotionally genuine vocal deliveries, it accomplished just that.

‘Nobody Has To Know’ grabs influence from what feels like many styles, but holds a strong sense of that early 2000’s rock that we all know and love. Headon’s voice is just so raw yet so lively, it draws you in from the very beginning. Plus all the layers and textured instrumentation to go along create an even larger-than-life vibe you can’t deny. Check it out ASAP!

Lyrics That Stick:

“We took the keys to her dad’s car

And she got in wearing only her jeans”

If you like this single, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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