Nick Bonin - Snakes (feat. PROP)

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves

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Nick Bonin plays by his own rules, and always has. On his newest song, ‘Snakes’, he makes sure that everyone is aware of that, making threats and making sure we all know just exactly what he’s capable of.

In the first few seconds, you can tell that the track will be a come-for-your-neck type track. However, the instrumental had a few variations that really surprised me, and I really enjoyed. Bonin does his thing, flowing over all of it, and then breaking down for a short melodic instrumental. I loved the feature from PROP, who did a great job of adding to the vibe that Bonin had laid down. Right now it’s only on SoundCloud, but I’m hoping that soon they’ll add it to all platforms so I can listen to this more.

Lyrics That Stick:

“I dropped out of school

Not cause it’s cool, but cause I need payments”


Woody Pond - karaoke


6o - Anxiety