Mitch Felito Keeps His Head “Above Water” On New Single

Growing up I was exposed to a lot of different styles of music. Even to this day, as you scroll through my Spotify library you’ll see a wide range of styles and genres. However, one genre that has been with me from the jump and has had a massive influence on me is Hip Hop. That’s why I’m excited to introduce one of our new submissions from Mitch Felito, it’s his new single “Above Water” and it’s a must listen for all my other Hip Hop fans out there.

Although this is my first time hearing Mitch Felito’s music, I feel like he did a great job of expressing who he is and what he’s about in this one. The rapper let’s his energy pour out over the minimalistic production on “Above Water” and you can feel the fire coming off of every word he’s saying. The whole song I was just waiting for the Meek MillDreams and Nightmares” esque beat drop to happen, but Mitch decided to just carry the weight of the song with his lyrics and flow instead. Go check out “Above Water” and show him some love!


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