bedfashion Releases Dance-Worthy Anthem ‘Lay Low’

By: Trevor Siebold IG/Twitter: @barelytrev

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How can you listen to bedfashion and not have a smile on your face? From the extremely bouncy beat and springtime tones, to his genuinely intimate vocals that draw you in right away, to that saxophone solo at the end?! This one needs to be on blast all summer.

I really love this artist’s songwriting style. Speaking from such a personal, conversation-like perspective, it feels like he’s speaking directly to the listener. You get to be there with him as he tells this story throughout the song. Layers of harmonies and happy textures add to this overall mystique, making this song a true warm weather bop! Check it out.

Lyrics That Stick:

“Just wanna stay home again

Thought maybe we were more than friends”

If you like this single, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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