kodiak - Problems

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


With his new single, kodiak does what a lot of us struggle with: admitting to our problems. Especially on a level as big as that of his, with his current 30,000 monthly listeners on Spotify. Still, he goes through and lists them before asking for help.

Laid over a catchy instrumental, with guitar and other instruments popping in and out, kodiak doesn’t sound too down about these problems he’s discussing. The vibe has an upbeat feel, like something that you would find in a club or at a party. But when you listen closely, instead of making you want to dance, it causes self-reflection and at least for me, a desire to be better. But don’t take my word for it, go take a listen to this new banger!

Lyrics That Stick:

“Help me, I’ve got problems”


Mike SB - NY for the Weekend (feat. Shiggy)


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