Jutes & Stay Over - Girls

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


Jutes & Stay Over have done it. Combining two genres almost seamlessly, they have made the perfect song for anybody to enjoy. Well, mostly anybody.

‘Girls’ shows a blend of hard-rap and punk rock, switching back and forth throughout the entire song. The chorus brings in heavy live-sounding drums with lots of cymbals, but in the verses it is rapid-fire, coming for your throat style rapping. The song is about girls’ being in control and not being able to get over their allure, with a not-so-apologetic type of approach to it. Like I said, this one is a banger for ALMOST anybody (probably don’t show it to your grandma).

Lyrics That Stick:

“Why do girls make me cry

I’m gon’ let my make-up run tonight”


Conor Matthews - Way Out


Adrian Stresow - Stephanie