jusLo - Wristwatch

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


Even though the song is a little older, we definitely had to cover this banger after the hit video game franchise ‘2K’ gave the track the ultimate nod and added it to their soundtrack. Big. Moves.

JusLo spends the duration of the song talking about sacrifice and the hard work that he’s put into the craft so far. He reminisces in past situations and shows his gratitude for the spot that he’s at right now. With stellar trap production and killer melodies, it’s not hard to see why 2K wanted the placement. Now, JusLo probably can afford that new ‘Wristwatch’ he wanted.

Lyrics That Stick:

“Sacrifice it all just to get a new wristwatch

You can’t even move alone when you’re this hot”


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