DAAANG Is Paving His Own Lane With New Single “Juliet”
By: Gianni Taylor IG: @giannitaylor
There’s music that makes you rage, music that makes you cry, some that makes you laugh, but sometimes the best music for the occasion is the songs that seem to not try and pull you in their direction, but rather provide clarity for the words you can’t seem to find but are dying to say; matching the pace of your thinking and serving as a personal soundtrack. That’s exactly what we have here with DAAANG’s new single “Juliet”.
This song uses only a few, well chosen, elements to give it that trance inducing vibe, which serves as the perfect canvas for DAAANG’s melancholy delivery. This is my first time hearing his music, and sitting at only 300 monthly listeners right now it makes me proud to say that if you’re reading this right now, you can officially consider yourself early to the party. Show DAAANG some love and run up his new single “Juliet” now!