Jack Newsome - All My Friends Are Falling In Love

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Why? Why am I the last one when 'All My Friends Are Falling in Love!' Catchy my drift? Jack Newsome sure does! He is preaching about how literally EVERYONE around him is 'Falling in Love' and he's just praying for the perfect person to fall in his lap.

     He expresses this annoying and rather irritating feeling with some amazingly beautiful vocals that he builds into this triumph of a song. He's begging the bartender not to call a last round because his haven is the bar he isn't ready to leave quite yet! His ideal match could sit plop right next to him and he's just sitting in anticipation, waiting for that perfect meet cute!

     Soooo, if you're in that same boat and feel as though you're left behind while 'All Your Friends Are Falling in Love,' trust us when we say that perfect person is right around the corner, and you're not alone!

Lyrics That Stick:

"All my friends are falling in love

While my world is crashing down 

Cupids out here making rounds."


Joshua Ryan - Lost in You


David Alexander - Head On Your Shoulder