Rexobn Is Back With His New Alt-Rock Hit “EOTW”

By: David.R.Blessed IG: @David.R.Blessed

Rexobn is an upcoming artist and if you haven’t heard his music yet, I’d highly suggest you go do it right now, before it’s too late. “EOTW” is his new Emo-Alt-Rock single in which he confesses about how he feels after being dumped by the girl of his dreams and expresses the entirety of his complicated journey. Rexobn’s production in this track seems to alternate between acoustic drums and trap drums and I feel that brings about a whole new vibe to the song.

EOTW” is produced really well keeping in mind Rexobn’s songwriting and vocal performance and I think this song would do really well in live scenario too. So if you’re looking for and Alt Emo rock song about heart-break with a modern touch, ”EOTW” is just for you.

This song is definitely going to be on repeat for awhile. Rexobn’s musical abilities & songwriting abilities are going to be widely known soon, so check this one out until then!

Favorite lyrics

“Sometimes I get too caught up in situations

I can never keep myself away

Last night I was too fucked up

To say that I made it

But I made it wide awake”

If you like this single, show it some love by voting for it with the wave button at the top of the article!


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