Dillon Francis - You Do You (feat. BabyJake)

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


Well, I have good news. Dillon Francis is back with one of my favorite songs in a while. As I first went to listen to it, I jumped a little bit at the beginning, from the… actually, I’ll let you go listen to it yourself, just make sure to put on headphones before you do. Anyways, the song is definitely a special one.

‘You Do You’ has the feeling of virality, even though it hasn’t quite reached that yet. It’s fun, catchy, upbeat and seems like the exact kind of thing that the TikTok stars would be waiting to get their hands on for the new dance craze. My favorite part of it is how many parts take me off guard, even after listening quite a few times. The song is unpredictable, which adds to its allure and replay value. I would definitely recommend checking it out, but then again, you do you.

Lyrics That Stick:

“I’ll do me, and you do you”


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