Rizzy tha Great Debuts On Our Pages With His Exciting New Single “Dazed”
By: Chris Buxton IG/Twitter: @chrisbuxtonllg

Travis Alexander, professionally known as Rizzy tha Great, is an American-rapper that has been garnering a lot of success with his ability to craft infectious singles with exceptional choruses. Hailing from Los Angeles, the emerging artist draws inspiration from artists such as Kanye West, Drake, Lil Wayne, and rock bands from his adolescent years. Although he is known as a rapper, Rizzy has a very versatile sound the bend and fuses multiple genres into one perfect sound. Now, he is back with his latest single “Dazed”, and it is one of our favorite singles.
On “Dazed”, Rizzy floats over lush melodies and smooth 808s as he discusses how his significant other has him in a trance that feels hypnotic. His chorus and vocal delivery are strong, and we really enjoyed his raw lyricism. Overall, the songs bubbly feel and bright mix really help capture the vibe. With that being said, stream the song below and vibe out!