changing cleo - alone

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves

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Back with another single, with the same baseball-capped figure to represent the artwork, is changing cleo. And just as all of his previous releases, this one rocks. With incredibly clean production and solid vocals, this one is sure to draw the attention of lots of new listeners.

‘Alone’ opens up with a simple synth and harp, and maintains its simple feel throughout the course of the song. It shows cleo singing about how he prefers to be alone, and talks a little about a past relationship that he’s glad is over. While some of us are more extroverted than others, I think there are times when we all prefer to be alone, and those are the times to listen to this song. Go on a hike or something by yourself, and put on this new banger from changing cleo.

Lyrics That Stick:

“I don’t want to say I love you

I think I’m better on my own”


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