Haiden Shines On His Beautifully Crafted New Single “Can’t Hurt Me”

By: Chris Buxton IG/Twitter: @chrisbuxtonllg

If you are a fan of artists like Shawn Mendes and Charlie Puth, then you will definitely love Pop icon Haiden. After initially hearing his exceptional voice on TikTok, I made sure to go and check the rising star’s discography, and I wasn’t disappointed at all. Although I spent around 20 minutes listening through his handful of records, the song that stood out the most was his latest single “Can’t Hurt Me”.

The single is raw and it is accompanied by smooth vocals and lush melodies that will pull you in from start to finish. Although the song was originally posted as an unfinished snippet on TikTok, the love and attention received from the record pushed him to finish it, and we are glad he did. This is what the artist had to say about the song:

"When I posted this song on TikTok, it wasn’t even fully written, let alone recorded or produced. So for the past week, we’ve been working relentlessly to finish it and make it as impactful as I know it can be. I felt a specific type of pressure because “Can’t Hurt Me” went viral in its rawest form; just me playing it on an acoustic guitar. This made producing it especially challenging because we didn’t want to take away from what made the song and the story special in the first place. I’m happy to say though, that its integrity has not only remained intact but has been amplified by the production. It is truly amazing." - Haiden

Overall, we believe the song is a knockout hit, and it is a great introduction into the rising star’s sound. So if you are looking for a new song to add to your playlists, make sure to add this hit.

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