Alt Bloom - Get Back

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


Can we just take a second and appreciate the genius that is this album cover? I’m not sure what it is exactly that I’m looking at, but I love it. And after listening to it all day, I also love the song that it represents.

‘Get Back, the newest song from Alt Bloom, is exactly what you need in your life right now. It’s positive, happy, fun, and about as catchy as they come. It starts out very simple and mellow, and quickly builds into something complex and exciting as it explodes into the choruses. Alt Bloom’s vocals are clean, but the instrumental is where the power comes. The production is flawless, with nothing extra and nothing misses. This one is definitely a banger, and one that I would recommend to anyone.

Lyrics That Stick:

“If we can get it wrong, then we can get it right

Tell me it’s love and I’ll see you tonight”


Powfu - im used to it


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