Adam Oh - 10/10 (feat. Gavin Haley)

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


This song is 10/10 a breath of fresh air for me. Sometimes I don’t realize just how rare a good, happy song is, until I finally hear a new one. This one is a positive, driven and still emotional love song, and a banger at that.

Adam Oh & Gavin Haley sound like they both have someone very special in their lives. Written about 2 different girls (each one with their own girl), the song talks about how they will always be there for their girl, and promises that they will do anything for them. It’s different from what is usually heard, and for that reason, one of my favorite that I’ve heard in a while. I definitely would give it a ‘10/10’.

Lyrics That Stick:

“Ten times out of ten, I’ll be at your door when you need me most”


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