Abstract & Blulake - Vampire

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


I think we’ve all made mistakes with certain relationships that we’ve gotten into. Some of us might fall too hard or not give someone a full chance, and I think it’s almost impossible to come out of a relationship without regrets. But for Abstract & Blulake, there are a whole lot of regrets, and they need to get them off their chests.

In ‘Vampire’, they compare this past relationship to a vampire, saying that this girl ‘suck(s) the love out of everyone’. The metaphor is carried throughout the entirety of the song in a very clever way, with every line building upon the fact that this girl is in fact a mythological creature, but also giving real-world explanations for how their relationship went bad. With a heavy build-up and an EDM-esque drop, it’s also very catchy. Go ahead and check it out, I promise that it doesn’t ‘suck’.

Lyrics That Stick:

“My heart goes cold and my soul goes black

And you win, that’s what you wanted to do”




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