Ollie - Maybe This Was Supposed to Happen (Album Review)

By: Caleb Johnson IG: CJSleeves


After listening all the way through the album, the first thing that I did was start it over. ‘Maybe This Was Supposed to Happen’ is Ollie’s letter to the world from this point in his life, and is about as personal as it could be. Detailing his fights with depression, self-doubt, and frustration with the state of the music industry, the album really lets us take a look at his life.

While ‘Maybe This Was Supposed to Happen’ is built upon deep, personal songs, that’s not to say that there aren’t any fun songs to it either. ‘Change Me’ is still personal for Ollie, but is put with a very friendly, light twist that makes it very appealing. My personal favorite is ‘Broken Down’, a ballad about Ollie’s personal fight with depression and how that’s made him the person he is today. I’m confident as I say there is something on this album for everybody, so I recommend you go and check it out right now!

Lyrics That Stick:

“I’m so afraid of going through change

Does anybody feel the same?”


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